'creative tour' by Star porte. this project has stated, people can join to go to gallery museum and event with us. especially in Japan. we can get group discount, and interpret of curators.


Alf + Cocteau

I miss friends in london.

Yesterday I went to the interview with some production.
some time I don't know what I want to do...
I soon get tired of things.
a bit too late to stop hair styling job.
so I keep doing this now and maybe I will find more assignment and enjoy it again one day.

How many mate have lost job?
Who can keep walking on the world side without minimum leisure....?


smoking lady 2002

-pencil drawing- I was a hair dresser student.

by the way Have you watched a new film called
"New York, I love you"?
I like this kind of collaboration film.
Also the camera work is great, once I thought a girl came out from screen.

paint dressmaking

When I was working for baby cloth designer.  
always wanted to use cute patterns for paint.
and did it !!
